
This book series, edited by Tom Cohen and Claire Colebrook and published by Open Humanities Press, responds to the theoretical and political challenges posed to critical practice in the era of climate change with a series of volumes from a wide range of perspectives with a short turnaround time. According to the series editors, “There is a particular need to publish in timely fashion experimental monographs that redefine the boundaries of disciplinary fields, rhetorical invasions, the interface of conceptual and scientific languages, and geomorphic and geopolitical interventions.” Current titles include:

Terror, Theory and the Humanities: Jeffrey R. Di Leo and Uppinder Mehan

Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1: Edited by Tom Cohen

Impasses of the Post-Global: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 2: Edited by Henry Sussman

Immersion Into Noise: Joseph Nechvatal

To read more about the series, to download titles, or to contribute, visit the Open Humanities site.

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